Rights Card

Print and cut these cards. Keep them with you and in your wallet. Deliver it to an officer and remain silent. Don’t answer anything.

Imprima y recorte estas tarjetas. Lleve consigo siempre una en su cartera. Si lo detienen, guarde silencio y entregue una al oficial.

I am giving you this card because I do not wish to speak to you or have any further contact with you. I choose to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. If you arrest me, I will continue to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. I want to speak with a lawyer before answering your questions.
I want to contact this attorney:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
Le estoy dando esta tarjeta porque no deseo hablar o tener más contacto con usted. Yo elijo a ejercer mi derecho de mantenerme callado y me niego a contestar sus preguntas. Si me arresta, seguiré ejerciendo mi derecho a mantenerme callado y a negarme a contestar sus preguntas. Yo quiero hablar con un abogado antes de contestar cualquier pregunta.
Quiero contactar este abogado:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
I am giving you this card because I do not wish to speak to you or have any further contact with you. I choose to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. If you arrest me, I will continue to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. I want to speak with a lawyer before answering your questions.
I want to contact this attorney:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
Le estoy dando esta tarjeta porque no deseo hablar o tener más contacto con usted. Yo elijo a ejercer mi derecho de mantenerme callado y me niego a contestar sus preguntas. Si me arresta, seguiré ejerciendo mi derecho a mantenerme callado y a negarme a contestar sus preguntas. Yo quiero hablar con un abogado antes de contestar cualquier pregunta.
Quiero contactar este abogado:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
I am giving you this card because I do not wish to speak to you or have any further contact with you. I choose to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. If you arrest me, I will continue to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. I want to speak with a lawyer before answering your questions.
I want to contact this attorney:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
Le estoy dando esta tarjeta porque no deseo hablar o tener más contacto con usted. Yo elijo a ejercer mi derecho de mantenerme callado y me niego a contestar sus preguntas. Si me arresta, seguiré ejerciendo mi derecho a mantenerme callado y a negarme a contestar sus preguntas. Yo quiero hablar con un abogado antes de contestar cualquier pregunta.
Quiero contactar este abogado:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
I am giving you this card because I do not wish to speak to you or have any further contact with you. I choose to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. If you arrest me, I will continue to exercise my right to remain silent and to refuse to answer your questions. I want to speak with a lawyer before answering your questions.
I want to contact this attorney:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992
Le estoy dando esta tarjeta porque no deseo hablar o tener más contacto con usted. Yo elijo a ejercer mi derecho de mantenerme callado y me niego a contestar sus preguntas. Si me arresta, seguiré ejerciendo mi derecho a mantenerme callado y a negarme a contestar sus preguntas. Yo quiero hablar con un abogado antes de contestar cualquier pregunta.
Quiero contactar este abogado:
Muston & Jack (San Jose): (408) 293 2026
Muston & Jack (Pasadena): (626) 398 1992

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San Jose, CA 95126
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San Francisco, CA 94104
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